
Does the bottom of the foot ache? Know the causes and treatments here.

The foot is one of the most important parts of our body because it supports body weight. Our body weight is supported by our feet when we move or are involved in any physical activity. So any disarrangement in the foot can cause a big problem in daily movements. One can experience pain in various locations of the foot like – ankle; heel; bottom of the foot; upper part of the foot, toe, fingers, or the whole foot.

In this article, you will get to know a comprehensive description of pain in the bottom of the foot. The first step to treatment is to know the hidden cause. Pain in the bottom of the foot can be due to neuropathy, metatarsalgia, or plantar fasciitis. 



There can be various factors causing foot pain in the bottom. We will discuss five main causes of the pain in the bottom of the foot. These five causes are – i) plantar fasciitis ii) metatarsalgia iii) peripheral neuropathy iv) neuroma v) sesamoid stress fracture.


Plantar fasciitis 

We have connective tissues in our body to keep muscles and bones attached. In this condition, tissue present with the arch connecting heel and toe gets inflamed. It causes extreme discomfort while navigating. Especially after a long rest, the severity of pain touches its highest point.
Wearing shoes with poor arch support, prolonged stand or walk, that too on rough surfaces, and navigating on legs barefoot increases the risk of plantar fasciitis.
Stretching exercises, hot ‘n’ cold packs for pain, and walking instead of taking too much rest can help with the problem.



This condition is caused due to repetitive use of muscles. Inflammation in the nerves arises and enlarges the digital nerves, causing tingling, numbness, and burning sensations in the adjacent toes. Pain feels like there is something solid present in the bottom of the foot.
Neuroma happens due to running, wrong shoes, and putting on high heels very often for a long period of time. Most people face this condition once in their lifetime. Neuroma is similar to metatarsalgia. 



Metatarsalgia is a condition similar to neuroma but neuroma indicates nerve pain while metatarsalgia occurs when the plantar plate gets torn. This condition takes birth from activities like jumping, running, or wearing high heels. In these activities, our body weight shifted from whole feet to balls behind toes. This is a very common condition and faced by everyone generally. Taking rest from these activities improves the condition and often disappears if suffering from mild to moderate pain. Wear the right shoes or use orthopedic inserts during high-impact activities. 



Neuropathy is the most complicated foot condition as it involves the central nervous system. Our feet and toes are connected with the brain. Nerves connect the brain with feet and toes and send signals to the feet and toes allowing us to move and feel. Any damage in the nervous system may affect the working of the nerves like causing problems transmitting signals. This injury to the nervous system can result in pain. This condition is complicated to treat because it involves the nervous system, unlike other foot conditions.
Pain caused due to neuropathy is the nerve pain giving burning, tingling, and stabbing sensations. 


Sesamoid stress fracture 

This condition is related to the bone under the big toe named sesamoid. Two small sesamoid bones are present under the ball of the great toe. Due to overload, these small bones are at risk of fracture. Overloading makes them inflamed and it gets swollen. Soon it starts paining under the great toe. Sesamoid bones are responsible for supporting the tendon to function. 


Physical therapy- physical therapists use different and effective techniques to repair foot injuries. They can do an ice bottle massage to reduce inflammation and pain. A physical therapist will give you the correct mechanics of walking and running. These mechanics will prevent you from further foot injuries. 


Home remedies- (i) soak your feet in warm water and you can add some drops of essential oil containing anti-inflammatory properties like peppermint oil. 

(ii)  Give a good massage to your feet with coconut oil and cover them with socks. 

(iii) Include vitamin D in your diet. Consume fish, eggs, dairy products like milk, cheese, etc.

Some foot pain is temporary and goes on its own, and doesn’t even require treatment. But some conditions can cause chronic foot pain, it needs the intervention of an expert. Feet are a very essential part of our body. So don’t miss taking care of your tender feet. Fortunately, any condition whether neuropathy, metatarsalgia, or whichever is treatable. Your doctor or therapist will come up with the best plan. Don’t think you are alone to feel this pain, there are millions. And these millions get successful treatment by their doctor or therapist, so do you.

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