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Free Printable 2018 Calendars to Advocate for Intellectual Freedom

People usually start searching the web for new and interesting calendar templates before the New Year begins and this year is no exception. Even I have been hunting high and low for free printable calendar 2018 but it seemed as though there is dearth of interesting options to choose from.

I usually find plenty of great designs every year and download 2018 printable calendar of my choice for the purpose of marking birthdays, special events and to keep track of my kid’s school events, business trips and so on. I stick the current month calendar page on the refrigerator so that the whole family can easily get a glimpse of it every time we sit to eat our meals during breakfast and dinner. I also like to keep it simple yet intellectually stimulating.

I usually prefer going along with a theme and this year I chose to go along with intellectual freedom which seems to be quite a hot theme this year and for good reason. Our world today is controlled by the media, government and religious communities who leave no stone unturned while telling us what we should and should not do, believe, read, look at, buy and the list goes on and on. This is why censorship has become such a painfully controlling factor in our lives. It has led to the banning of many intellectual works such as books on religion, gender, spiritualism and so on.

Free Printable CalendarsIntellectual freedom is a part of human right and every human being has the right to read the kind of books they like reading and thinking thoughts of their choice. No censorship body has the right to take it away, yet so many books are banned. So, I made it a point to take this theme up and make a list of banned authors. Since I am good with graphic designing, I designed my very own free printable calendar 2018 with a picture of a banned but credible author on each of the 12 calendar pages.

I printed out multiple copies of the template design so that I could place them at various places such as my home, office and hand them over to relative and friends. I figured that the only way to break the silence and raise my voice against infringement of my human rights is to choose a theme that will give rise to conversations every time someone has a look at my calendar. Even if I am able to do this on a small scale, it will still be a change. It may create awareness among people which may spread word of mouth and bring about considerable change in the long run. I took the initiative and within a week’s time, I was inundated with positive and negative criticism by neighbors, relatives and office colleagues alike. I knew right then that my intention of raising awareness for intellectual freedom is beginning to take action.

So, if you are another one of those souls who wants to support intellectual freedom, then download 2018 printable calendar with a similar theme for your very own New Year calendar. Advocating for intellectual freedom is the only way to challenge censorship. So, be the change.

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